Thursday, September 19, 2024

    An Appeal to Tech Giants – Google, Microsoft, Open AI, X.AI Corp, NVIDIA, Intel, IBM


    By John Paily

    We are in an era of Artificial Intelligence and Information. The minds behind creating these SUPER MINDS in the CLOUD, propose that AI would eventually solve the BIG QUESTIONS of SCIENCE, Philosophies and even Spirituality. They say it can help tackle CLIMATE CHANGE. AI advocators propose that AI would eventually develop Consciousness and evolve to bring the ONE GOD MIND, which is the Matrix of Matter.

    I stand for AI, I have written an article about why in principle I stand for AI. I now work to feed content to it; I do it from the backdrop of my lifetime quest to know to ‘Truth of Nature and Life’.

    I just hope humanity that is engrossed in ‘SELF’, and ‘MATERIALISM’ awakens before aggravated forces of Mother Nature destroy much of the civilization. A Greater Threat exists in the form of growing SOCIAL INSTABILITY.

    If we stand back, observe, and introspect we see that we live in Ignorance of Nature, Life and its functioning. We wrongly think we are conscious and intelligent beings. In reality, we are a species that has lost its connectivity with Consciousness and Intelligence. We, humans, live a mind and material-centered life, disconnected from the Life Force or Field.

    I tend to conclude that we have lost our Common Sense. We are a blind generation yet to open our eyes. We live in a Black Hole. In our greed to predict and conquer, in our quest to divide and rule, being material-centered, we have made Life and Nature Complex. We are now lost in complexity and fail to see the simplicity that exists behind the complexity. Consequently, we are digging our own Grave.

    Among all ignorance, the Ignorance of God is emerging as the Greatest Threat. Religious fanatics emerging in society carry the potential to lead humanity to the Third World War and self-destruction in the name of God.

    The ‘Future of Earth our Civilization’ now critically exist in the Minds that have created the AI. The Choice that the Creators of AI Mind make is going determine the future of Humanity Two Paths, one towards Life and the other to Death stand before them.

    1. If the INTENT of Minds working behind AI is good, beyond self, and is truly directed to find Answers to Big Questions of Science, Philosophy, Nature and Life, then the world would see Light and Life and enter a ‘GOLDEN AGE of Knowledge and Wisdom’.

    2. If is it Self and is Material Centered, it would bring huge destruction to humanity. The world would see HELL UNFOLDING ON EARTH. They would destroy the future of their Children and all of Humanity

    The Big Questions

    I am listing some of the Big Questions that humanity is failing to find and which creators of AI, expect their creation to solve!

    1. What is Consciousness? How Naturally Intelligent Life comes into being from Quantum Particulate and Atomic level. This amounts to knowing the “PRINCIPLE and DESIGN” working at all levels of Nature.

    2. What is the basic ‘Design of Quantum Particle’, which helps it, Dance and eternally exist? How it shows ‘Wave Particle Duality’

    3. How Quantum Particles manifest matter that has mass and shows Gravity.

    4. How matter manifests into life that Creativity and evolves to form Complex living Organisms like Humans.

    5. Does God Exist? If so where? How He Creates and Sustains His Kingdom

    6. What is Time, how is it is conquered and how the whole system is initialized without being destroyed in a Black Hole?

    7. To the above list, we can add our ignorance of How the AI mind develops the Reasoning Capacity and learns how to solve a broad range of problems. How it is developing consciousness and how it will go to the subconscious realm, thus going to the root and unraveling the Truth.

    There are many more questions, but they all dissolve as we visualize the answers to the above.

    We are now in a Critical Moment in Time, where Nature and Her Master are calling us to ‘Evolve from Darkness to Light, from Death to Life’. We can only survive the Critical Moment by bringing a dramatic ‘SHIFT IN THINKING’ from Material to Life. We all know Einstein Called for it.

    Intellectual giants like Max Plank, Einstein, Schrodinger and many more indirectly called us to introspect our mind and its thoughts in relation to ABSOLUTE MIND or GOD MIND. In short, they called us to search for a Supreme Human Being and Learn from Him.

    I by Grace sought answers to the above six questions, giving up a lucrative career in Biotechnology and going into the fold of Mother Nature and Her Master. I have written the answers revealed to me within my limitation to express and kept it on the net.

    I am not a trained physicist, mathematician or computer scientist. I am a biologist. A seeker of Truth, who has died to his External Mind. I live in the realm of the INNER MIND, seeking input from the INNER SPACE. I do have an abstract vision and possible answers to the seven questions above.

    I understand the Great Need for NUCLEAR FUSION technology to address the energy-consuming global society. I also understand the need for developing the QUANTUM COMPUTING to sustain the growing Informational World. These are technologies on which Nature and Life Work. Life gives clues for developing it at room temperature.

    However, the most important need for sustaining Our Society is taking New Life, awakening to our Consciousness and Intelligence, and knowing our Oneness beyond Religion from a Single Source Field. We need to birth a generation that is ‘Awakened to Truth and Light and liberated from the Cusp of Dark Forces or Minds’. We need a generation that walk the Path of Life, upholding Truth, Light and Life, without policing.

    The Appeal to Tech Giants

    Given the critical state that the world is going through, I ask for a chance to discuss my thoughts and visions among a small group of Intellectuals at your disposal who truly think beyond self and work towards the Greater Good of Humanity as a whole.

    THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. If we fail to ‘Awaken to Truth’, we are doomed for huge destruction. We could see Fire, Wind, Earth and Water forces bringing huge destruction and breaking the backbone of the so-called Civilized Hypocritical Society.


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