To support the launch of Municipal Accommodation Tax, the Blue Mountain Village Association and the Town of The Blue Mountains have partnered to establish an advisory committee to guide tourism marketing, promotion and product development in support of strengthening the local tourism industry.
The partnership between the Blue Mountain Village Association and the Town of The Blue Mountains was established through the implementation of the Municipal Accommodation Tax. Through the partnership, the Blue Mountain Village Association is serving as the Town’s official Destination Marketing Organization responsible for co-developing a strategy to guide tourism development throughout the Town of The Blue Mountains community in alignment with the recommendations of the Strategy.
The Municipal Accommodation Tax Advisory Committee will work collaboratively to review opportunities and make recommendations to guide the use of a portion of the Municipal Accommodation Tax Funds specific to tourism marketing, promotion and product development.
The membership of the Advisory Committee will include the following representatives:
- One representative from the Town of The Blue Mountains;
- One representative from the Blue Mountain Village Association;
- One lodging representative appointed from Blue Mountain Resort;
- One lodging representative appointed from the Blue Mountain Short-Term Accommodation Association;
- One business representative appointed from the Thornbury Business Improvement Area Board of Directors;
- One lodging representative from the Thornbury/Clarksburg area to be selected through an at-large application process; and
- One tourism business and/or operator representative to be selected through an at-large application process.
Based on the membership structure, applications are being accepted to fill the two following at-large lodging and tourism business/operator seats:
- One lodging representative from the Thornbury/Clarksburg area to be selected through an at-large application process; and
- One tourism business and/or operator representative to be selected through an at-large application process.
Applicants are encouraged to submit a letter of interest and include a resume, cover letter or any other background information and any special qualifications or interests related/applicable to the mandate of the Advisory Committee.
All applications should be submitted no later than Friday, April 4, 2025, at 1:00 pm to:
Blue Mountain Village Association
Attention: Patti Kendall, President
796468 Grey Rd 19, Main Level
Blue Mountains, Ontario L9Y 0N6
To learn more about Municipal Accommodation Tax, please visit: www.thebluemountains.