Photo: Mirella Alves, Nick Vendramin, and Lucy Kennedy supporting a great cause!
Happy New Year!!!
Thank you so much for the generous donations: Dags & Willow, Sporting Life, Skiis & Bikes, Squire John’s, heart’s desire, Tim Horton’s, Metro, Cineplex, Summit Social House, 1865 Caesar Bar #AWESOME
Save Georgian Bay supports efforts to combat the climate change crisis with renewable energy sources and electricity storage solutions. But we believe that TC Energy’s proposed Pumped Storage Project in Meaford is not the best way to decarbonize the grid. It threatens irreversible harm to both the Niagara Escarpment, a UN-designated World Biosphere Reserve, and the fresh water resource of Georgian Bay, as well as to its fish and entire aquatic ecosystem on which residents depend. A handful of municipalities around the Georgian Bay basin agree and have voted to oppose the project.
Newer, more efficient and less environmentally-invasive technologies have already rendered this multi-billion-dollar hydro-electric project obsolete. And its soaring price tag, capped at $7 billion, will burden Ontario electricity consumers for decades. Even the government’s own regulators have vetoed the project. Twice in the last three years the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), which manages Ontario’s electricity needs, has concluded that it fails to deliver any net economic benefit to provincial ratepayers. Nevertheless, Energy Minister Todd Smith has over-ruled his independent experts and vowed to proceed.
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So Much Fun Supporting #RESPECTING ‘Save Georgian Bay’

Community Builders Supporting “Save Georgian Bay”. Good Work E.

Happy New Year from Georgian Bay News!!!

Always ready to support our community, the Collingwood Fire Department.
Happy New Year from your friends at “Save Georgian Bay”