Photos courtesy of OJHL Images
A special pregame ceremony was held at ‘The Eddie”, to celebrate our National Championship Collingwood Blues and their historic 2023-24 season.
Christina and I were overwhelmed with happiness to see the support of all those who came out to celebrate the championship. The ceremony was only the tip of the iceberg representing the hours, commitment, and work that went into being successful on the ice – Dave Steele Owner/President

First goal! Final score: 6-2 Blues! A great win tonight against the King Rebellion. Thank you to all of our fans who joined us tonight for our National Championship celebration, we truly couldn’t have done it without you – Mike Jackson Collingwood Blues.

Bryan McCormick, David Hearn, Sid Thompson, David Steele – President & John Steele (The General)

Great Family Fun!!!

Congratulations to Jeremy tonight’s winner of 50/50 Draw. Jeremy won $2,090! Thank you to all the fans who support this draw. All the money the Optimist raise from these draws goes to support youth and youth programs in our community. And congratulations to the Blues for their 6-2 win over the Kings.

On Friday our Mike Jackson Collingwood Blues fans got a chance to congratulate the players for the 2023-24 titles including the Centennial Cup Championship… 1175 fans friends and family showed up… which stands as the biggest crowd of the season, not only in town, but across the league… and the current players showed their stuff as part of the night dominating in a 6-2 win. Here’s the ring that will be part of their memories of Collingwood… it is an honour that the team presented me with one as well – Dale West
Image by Joe Montesano of Fedora Films