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Collingwood seeks public input on the development of a Stormwater Management Master Plan


Collingwood, ON [29 April 2024] – The Town of Collingwood has commenced the second phase (Phase II) of the Stormwater Management Master Plan (SWMMP) and is inviting the community to provide input. The Plan will identify alternative solutions to address flooding issues within Collingwood and establish preferred solutions to effectively mitigate these flood issues.

The Master Plan is a planning document that will outline proposed mitigation solutions for the next 25 years and beyond. It ensures that while individual developments refine our model, the model is in place such that when infrastructure is improved it will be sufficient for the long term.

If you are a resident of Collingwood and have experienced flooding on your property, please fill out the survey at: engage.collingwood.ca/swmmp. You can also use the ‘Map’ tool on the project page to drop a pin and describe where you have flooding concerns.

The Town completed the initial background information collection phase of the SWMMP in January 2022.  During Phase I, a comprehensive model was created to assess the existing conditions of Collingwood’s stormwater management system. The purpose was to gain a better understanding of the existing capacity of the stormwater infrastructure and riverine systems and identify potential flood damage zones within the Town of Collingwood. Phase II of the SWMMP will identify alternative solutions to address flooding issues within Collingwood and establish preferred solutions to effectively mitigate these flood issues. 

The primary objectives of this assignment are to:

  • Analyze the model results obtained during Phase I, identify and fill any data gaps, and identify all existing flooding problems and opportunities related to current conditions;
  • Update the modeling to account for future development scenarios; and,
  • To determine mitigation solutions that align with the Municipal Class EA process.

The Phase II Town-wide SWMMP for Collingwood is being conducted under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process, a Schedule ‘B’ activity as defined by the Municipal Engineers Association Class EA documentation. The Class EA process:

  • Identifies and confirms problems and opportunities related to the Project;
  • Develops alternative solutions to address the identified problems and opportunities;
  • Assesses potential environmental, cultural, social, and economic impacts of the problems, opportunities and related alternative solutions;
  • Recommends preferred solutions/projects; and,
  • Identifies monitoring and mitigation measures to facilitate implementation.

This type of EA includes public and agency consultation. Two Public Information Centres (PICs) have been included in the project scope to provide the opportunity for the public to contribute and help guide the EA process as the project moves forward. The first PIC has been tentatively scheduled for June 10th, 2024, with the second PIC in October 2024.

To develop alternative solutions to address problems and opportunities related to flooding, the public can provide input on the proposed alternatives to help the project team identify the preferred solution(s). The goal of public engagement is to provide the public with sufficient information to provide meaningful input and allow for the project team to reasonably address and incorporate any issues and concerns raised.

Once the public/agency/stakeholder input through the PICs and project process has been incorporated, the final report will be compiled and issued for review through the Engage Collingwood website. The draft report will be available for 30 days for public and agency review and comment period.

Please visit the project page at engage.collingwood.ca/swmmp to view project information, take the survey, and subscribe to be notified of upcoming Public Information Centres and other project updates.

Photo: Black Ash Creek
Photo Credit: Martin Lamprecht

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