Come and Sing with us!
Learn about singing barbershop style 4-part harmony and the healthy benefits of singing in our Harmony North Sweet Adelines Chorus. Why limit yourself to singing in the shower?
Harmony North Chorus started in 1997 with a group of 7 women determined to start a Sweet Adelines chorus in the Georgian Triangle. The first open house held in Thornbury attracted 28 women. The chorus, under the direction of Doris Waite, was chartered with Sweet Adelines in 1999 with 38 members. Wow!
Since then, the chorus has gone through many changes. They started rehearsing in Thornbury at the Lutheran Church, then used St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church next door, and then Rankin’s Landing for a short stint. The chorus then moved on to Clarksburg at the Marsh Street Center. The move to Collingwood happened in 2011, first to the New Life Church, then Chartwell Retirement Residence and Balmoral Retirement Residence. They now make their home at the Leisure Time Centre in Collingwood. The number of members has fluctuated from around 20 to 48. There are presently 29 members.
Directors over the years have been: Doris Waite – 1997 to 2011, Selina Ree – 2011 to 2013, Catherine Robertson – 2013 to 2022, and our present director, Danil Biba.
The chorus competes annually in their region against other choruses, and have placed well over the years. They have won 2nd place small chorus 4 times, 3rd place small chorus once, most improved chorus twice, and Catherine won the novice director award in 2013.
Mission Statement
Harmony North Chorus “celebrates the promotion of musical excellence and personal growth opportunities in a supportive and caring environment. We are committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance.”