Orion Moonsong, celestial eavesdropper extraordinaire…
While we’re all busy with our earthly concerns, this astronomical busybody is up there tuning into the universe’s gossip channel, nodding along as Betelgeuse dishes the dirt on Rigel’s latest supernova fashion disaster or giggling when the Little Dipper shares a joke that’s been traveling across the cosmos for light-years. Talk about having friends in high places—Orion’s social network extends literally billions of miles in every direction!
Each week, Orion shares starry secrets with you, written in their notebook with glittery gel pens and decorated with tiny star stickers. The planets are Orion’s friends, and they tell Orion all sorts of helpful hints to pass along to you!
Your Cosmic Forecast: Week of March 23, 2025
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
This week, Mars is doing the celestial equivalent of chugging energy drinks in your career sector. Expect to have so many brilliant ideas that your coworkers will suspect you’ve been replaced by three caffeinated squirrels in a trench coat. Pro tip: Maybe don’t pitch ALL of them in the same meeting. Your enthusiasm might set off the office smoke detectors. Consider writing your ideas down instead of shouting them while standing on your desk. Remember that time you thought installing a zip line between departments was “efficiency improvement”? Yeah, HR remembers too.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Venus is urging you to treat yourself, which is basically the universe’s permission slip for that unnecessary purchase you’ve been eyeing. That said, “the stars told me to buy it” rarely works as an explanation on credit card statements. Choose wisely, stubborn bull. Your apartment doesn’t need another artisanal cheese board when you’re still using the last one as a makeshift laptop stand. Perhaps focus on experiences rather than objects – though that doesn’t mean booking a wine tasting followed by axe throwing is a stellar combination.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
Your already-legendary ability to start seventeen conversations simultaneously reaches new heights this week. Even your houseplants will feel chatted up. Mercury suggests focusing on finishing at least one thought before the weekend, just to see how it feels. Your friends have started a betting pool on how many topics you’ll cover in a single breath. Current record: nine, including cryptocurrency, your neighbor’s suspicious gardening habits, and why otters hold hands while sleeping. Maybe try meditation? Oh wait, you already started three different meditation apps and abandoned them all mid-ohm.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
The moon, your ruler, is encouraging emotional spring cleaning. This doesn’t mean texting your ex at 2 AM to “clear the air.” It means finally admitting that pasta sauce stain on your ceiling tells a more interesting story than most of your dates lately. Your sensitivity is cranked to eleven – you might cry at commercials about paper towels or feel personally betrayed when your favorite coffee shop changes their muffin recipe. Channel this energy into something productive, like finally watching that documentary everyone says will “change your life,” but prepare tissues for the inevitable ugly cry.
LEO (July 23-August 22)
The spotlight finds you even when you’re trying to be incognito this week. You could go grocery shopping in disguise and somehow end up being asked to give an impromptu TED talk in the produce section. Embrace it – those melons need inspiration too. Your hair will achieve unprecedented levels of magnificence, possibly developing its own gravitational pull. Warning: This may cause compliment overload, so prepare humble responses beyond your usual “I know, right?” You might want to practice saying “thank you” without immediately fishing for more praise.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22)
Your organizational skills reach superhero levels this week. You’ll alphabetize things that shouldn’t even be alphabetized. Try channeling this energy before it leads to color-coding your neighbor’s garden gnomes without permission. You’ll find yourself unable to pass a messy shelf without straightening it, including in stores where you don’t work. When you start organizing strangers’ shopping carts by food group while they’re not looking, it might be time to redirect your powers. Perhaps tackle that digital photo collection that’s currently sorted into helpful folders like “Stuff” and “More Stuff.”
LIBRA (September 23-October 22)
Your charm is off the charts, making you irresistible to everyone from baristas to that person who always ignores you in the elevator. Use this power responsibly – with great social magnetism comes great responsibility to not accumulate too many coffee dates. You’ll find yourself agreeing to plans you have no intention of keeping because saying “no” feels like telling a puppy it can’t have a treat. Practice the phrase “That sounds lovely, but I’ll need to check my calendar” while making direct eye contact with yourself in the mirror. Venus suggests you might want to decide what you actually want before you accidentally end up on three dates with people you’re not interested in just because you liked their shoes.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)
Pluto is encouraging your mysterious side, which is like giving candy to a baby. You’ll have people wondering if you’re secretly a spy, when really you’re just trying to remember if you turned off your straightener. Lean into the intrigue. Your tendency to stare intensely while thinking about what to have for lunch will have coworkers convinced you’re reading their minds. When someone asks what you’re thinking, resist the urge to be honest about your elaborate fantasy involving nachos and instead maintain the mystery with “That’s classified information.” Warning: This approach may backfire if used during performance reviews or first dates.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)
Jupiter says your luck is running high, but that doesn’t mean betting your life savings on a horse named “Probably Maybe.” Channel that optimism into adventures that don’t require bail money or emergency room visits. Your filter between “great idea” and “hold my beer” is particularly thin this week. That spontaneous road trip sounds amazing until you remember your car makes that concerning noise whenever you go over 45 mph. Perhaps start with smaller adventures, like trying that new fusion restaurant instead of attempting to fusion-cook in your own kitchen without proper training or fire extinguishers.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)
Saturn wants you to loosen up that famously stiff upper lip. Try laughing at a joke before analyzing its structural integrity. Baby steps: start with a knock-knock joke, work your way up to actual spontaneity by June. Your five-year plan for having more fun is admirable but perhaps missing the point. The universe is practically begging you to do something unscheduled – maybe try eating dessert before dinner or wearing mismatched socks on purpose. These wild acts of rebellion might give you heart palpitations at first, but no one ever regretted their deathbed saying, “I wish I’d color-coded more spreadsheets.”
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)
Uranus is inspiring truly bizarre innovations this week. Your “revolutionary” idea to train pigeons as WiFi hotspots might not be ready for Shark Tank, but at least you’re thinking outside the box. Way, way outside. Friends will nod politely as you explain your vision for underwater libraries or shoes that translate your footsteps into poetry. While most of these concepts belong in a science fiction novel rather than your to-do list, one might actually be brilliant. The challenge is figuring out which one. Hint: It’s probably not the edible furniture concept, despite your compelling presentation titled “Why Not Eat Your Couch?”
PISCES (February 19-March 20)
Neptune has you swimming in a sea of daydreams. You’ll devise elaborate fantasies about that cute stranger who smiled at you, only to realize they were actually looking at the person behind you. Don’t worry – your imaginary romance was better than the real thing would have been anyway. Your creativity is peaking, which means you’ll start projects you have neither the skills nor materials to complete. That underwater basket-weaving class suddenly seems practical compared to your ambition to build a life-size replica of Hogwarts out of recycled takeout containers. Channel this dreamy energy into something manageable, like finally figuring out what that mysterious switch in your hallway actually controls.
Remember, these horoscopes are about as scientifically accurate as claiming your personality is determined by your preference in breakfast cereals—but significantly more entertaining. Whatever the stars may or may not be saying, have a wonderful week!