(Wasaga Beach, ON) – Officers from the Huronia West OPP were able to respond promptly on Christmas Eve to reports of a black sedan driving in the oncoming lane of traffic and striking snow-banks on River Road West in the Town of Wasaga Beach.

At approximately 9:02 p.m. officers conducted a traffic stop with the suspect vehicle and immediately entered into an impaired driving investigation. The driver was ultimately arrested for impaired operation and was transported to detachment for additional testing.
The accused, Diane HANDY, a 78-year-old female from Wasaga Beach is charged with:
– Operation while impaired – alcohol
– Operation while impaired – 80+
The accused has been released and will appear before the Ontario Court of Justice at a later date. Until then she faces a 90-day drivers licence suspensions and 7-day vehicle impoundment.
The Huronia West OPP remains vigilant in their goal to take alcohol & drug-impaired drivers off our roads through strict enforcement and public education. If you suspect someone is driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs, please call 9-1-1 to report it.