Home Community Kymm Buckham appointed Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) | The Municipality of Meaford

Kymm Buckham appointed Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) | The Municipality of Meaford


“We are thrilled to welcome Kymm Buckham,” said Mayor Kentner. “With her exceptional qualifications, we are confident Ms. Buckham will play a pivotal role in advancing the goals of the Municipality”.

The Municipality of Meaford is delighted to announce the appointment of Kymm Buckham as the new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), effective Wednesday, May 15, 2024. With an extensive background in leadership and change management and a passion for community development, Ms. Buckham brings a wealth of experience and innovative direction to our Municipality. 

Kymm Buckham brings years of project management, strategic oversight, and fiscal accountability experience in the private and public sectors. Her proven track record of fostering collaboration, guiding project management and driving operational excellence positions her as an invaluable asset to Meaford.

“We are thrilled to welcome Kymm Buckham,” said Mayor Kentner. “With her exceptional qualifications, we are confident Ms. Buckham will play a pivotal role in advancing the goals of the Municipality”.

In addition to welcoming Kymm Buckham, the Municipality of Meaford extends its heartfelt gratitude to Interim CAO Matt Smith for his exemplary service during the transition period. Mr. Smith’s leadership, strong organizational commitment and efforts have been instrumental in maintaining the smooth operation of the Municipality during the CAO recruitment phase.

“Matt Smith is an invaluable member of our team, stepping into the role of Interim CAO with professionalism and dedication” stated Mayor Kentner. “We are immensely grateful for his leadership and guidance”.

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