The Rainbow Club of South Georgian Bay (Rainbow Club) is proud to officially announce the return of the Collingwood Pride Festival to Collingwood, Ontario.
Collingwood Pride will be a festival and celebration for everyone, including our local and visiting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer, or questioning individuals, and our collective friends, families, and allies (2SLGBTQ+). It will be a celebration of our community’s diversity, vibrancy, and strength.
This year’s festival will include:
- A two-day outdoor festival featuring mainstage performances by KIMMY COUTURE, JADA SHADA HUDSON, MAKAYLA COUTURE, KATINKA KATURE, BABY BEL BEL, DESTINY DOLL, GENDER SLAY QUOI and more to be announced soon!
- The outdoor Festival site will be ENTIRELY LICENSED.
- The Collingwood Pride VARIETY SHOW featuring local drag queens, kings, spoken word poets, and more to be announced soon!
- Official Pride Flag Raising Ceremony at Collingwood Public Library (July 12th)
- Downtown Collingwood Pride Parade (July 13th)
- Downtown decor and celebrations from participating businesses (July 11th – 14th).
- The Collingwood Pride Family Zone
- FOOD TRUCK vendors
- The RAINBOW RUN with VO2 Sports!
- GET ACTIVE Pride Workout events
- More to be announced soon!
“After the huge success of last year, excitement is brewing and I know that we are going to see that this year’s Pride Festival will be one of Ontario’s premier events, something that I and the community of Collingwood will be very proud of”, says Collingwood Pride Executive Producer Dr. John Miller.
The Rainbow Club of South Georgian Bay would like to sincerely thank and acknowledge our growing number of sponsors whose funding and expertise will ensure Collingwood Pride’s success and impact. A complete list of sponsors & contributors is available here:
We would also like to thank our volunteer event committee. Anyone interested in becoming a Collingwood Pride volunteer can do so here:

About The Rainbow Club of South Georgian Bay
Founded in 2017, The Rainbow Club is a grassroots community-based organization serving the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer or questioning individuals and all our collective friends, families and allies (LGBTQ+) across the South Georgian Bay Region. Our mandate is “Connecting our Community” and we do so through social events, fundraising, educational programming and much more. For more information visit @TheRainbowClubSGB on Facebook and Instagram.
For media requests, interviews, or images, please contact:
Pride Collingwood
[email protected]
Please help us by sharing our poster! Make sure to tag @pridecollingwood – Thank you!