Collingwood, ON [28 February 2025] – The Town is pleased to announce it has launched an updated version of the corporate website and a new, integrated engagement portal to serve you better! While the URLs remain the same, and, respectively, they are both designed with usability, accessibility, a fresh look, and a customer-friendly focus in mind.
Public input gathered in 2024 was factored into the website redesign, which now aligns with the municipality’s Programs & Services Framework. This framework focuses on what the municipality is delivering and the outcomes it seeks. This structure supports Council’s governance and enhances discussions with the community. Staff also use this framework to guide the planning, budgeting, and delivery of programs and services, as well as best prepare for emergencies.
What’s New on
The updated website significantly improves accessibility, navigation, and search functionality over the former version of the website, offering:
- New quick links sections on the Homepage to draw attention to the most popular pages for Residents, Businesses, and Visitors.
- New featured content on the Homepage showcasing the latest news, events, and projects.
- Improved layouts on internal pages to help users find information faster.
- Mobile and tablet-friendly experience with seamless, responsive browsing on any device.
- A modern design with a nod to Heritage colours and elements of the Town’s logo.
The Town’s website is a primary resource for community members to find information about Council and how to engage with them, municipal programs and services, property taxes, and so much more. It is also the gateway to subscribe to Town news & notices, e-newsletters, and online service options you can access 24/7.
The Engage.Collingwood platform provides many options for online participation and feedback opportunities for various projects and initiatives.
What’s new on
- You do not need to register on the platform to participate in any engagement project or tool (e.g., surveys).
- You can now search for projects by program area through the new engagement platform! A quicker way to find current (active) projects and past (closed) projects, as we now have 80+ projects on the platform!
- You can browse projects with the new Map feature (please note that not all projects are mapped yet).
- An Event Calendar dedicated solely to events for public engagement,e.g. SPARK in the Park with Council events, The Town’s Farmers’ Market Booths, Public Information Centres, etc. (This calendar will be populated as events come up).
- Projects using the timeline tool (where appropriate) will now have a % complete indication to give users a better understanding of the progress on various projects.
- Active engagement projects will now also be featured on the relevant corporate website’s service area pages, e.g., The ‘Zone the Future – New Zoning By-law’ project is now featured on the Zoning By-law page of the website.
In addition to the updated website and engagement portal launches, Communications staff have also been working on streamlining email distribution systems for news & notices, e-newsletters, and Council and Committee agendas, making subscribing much easier for residents. News subscriptions are also now available by service area/topics of interest, and we continue to offer ‘all news’ as an option.
Residents are encouraged to stay informed!
Share Your Thoughts!
Tell us what you like or where you see room for improvement. If you have feedback about the refreshed website and/or new engagement portal, pleaseemail can also be provided to Service Collingwood at 97 Hurontario Street, Collingwood, or by calling 705-445-1030. There is no deadline for this feedback, as we’re always looking to improve. All feedback will be considered however, not all suggestions may be possible or within our resources and budget.