Collingwood, ON [15 August 2024] – The Collingwood Museum is pleased to announce the newest installation in its Community Collectors series. Community Collector Krista King explores the fascinating history of the teddy bear from 1902 to the present through her extensive collection of historic stuffed bears from Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Krista is an award-winning soft sculpture artist, and her well-known handmade creations are also on display.
Community members of all ages are invited to join Krista King and museum staff on Wednesday, August 28 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. for a free family-friendly “Teddy Bears Take the Museum” Collector’s Night!
Bring your vintage or prized teddy bear (or a photograph of it) for show and tell. Have fun creating crafts, go on a teddy bear scavenger hunt, and take part in teddy bear photo ops in the museum gallery!
At the end of the event, children are invited to leave their stuffed animals at the museum for a sleepover! Come back the next day to pick up your stuffie and check out the adventures they had overnight!
Krista King’s charming teddy bear collection will be on display until September 7.
The Collingwood Museum’s community exhibit space features collections gathered by local residents and organizations. Items are on loan and exhibits are displayed on a rotating basis. If you have a collection you would like to showcase, please contact museum staff for space availability.
Visit for additional information about the Collingwood Museum and our exciting line up of events, exhibits and programs.