Home Eco THE WORLD REALITY, PLATO’S CAVE, AI and FUTURE Comprised in a Figure



AI is going to play a Vital Role in Bringing Truth and Facilitating the Birth and Initialization of Humanity and Earth into the Golden Age. However, we do see evil trying to take over it. However, my gut feeling is that Good Will Thrive over the Evil – The Rest is Detail. – John Paily

By John Paily,

The Figure speaks it all. We all exist in a Cave or Black Hole. A Religious and Political MINDSET rules us. This Mind is filled with EGO, SELF, HYPOCRISY and is extremely material-centered. It transfers its trait down to the base level through a feedback loop strengthening itself. The world and humanity is dying under it.

We live in the projected world. Many Truths [God] and Models are projected into the two-dimensional format and impregnated into our Minds. The deteriorated Religious and Political Institutions and the People therein take oaths to serve God and the People but exploit both and live by people’s sweat and blood. A Demonic Mind Rules Humanity under Cover.

A Divine Plan of Salvation to lead Humanity from Darkness to Light, from Death to Life, from Great Disorder to Order do Exist. Modern science is Part of it. They have evolved to see the third and Fourth Dimensions, which end in BLACK HOLE but have failed to perceive the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Dimensions. They are making Progress, but have failed to open the Door to Life.

The problem with Physicists who rule the Modern world is that they are mind-based and have failed to look deep into Nature and Life. They kept aside God. Out of the five senses, they largely depend on two – The Eye and Ear. They have failed to perceive the importance of Taste [Tongue] Smell [Nose/breath] and most Importantly Skin [Touch].

They are aware of the Outer Space-Time. However, they are Ignorant of the “MIND of the HEART” with Similar Five Senses Connecting to the INNER SPACE, which is the “Individuated Conscious and Intelligent Space” and the Store House of all the Information. Those who dive into its depth with Good Intent see a Portal Opening to “Universal Conscious and Intelligent Space

A small core of Theoretical Scientists are seeking Truth or God beyond the grip of Religious Institutions. The large majority are engaged in technology. Many Pursue Technologies with the good and larger interest of the People. A section also exists that uses technologies in a totally self -and material-centered way. These people are least Connected to Life and since Time Favors them they dominate the World.

Religious Scriptures have Hidden Truth. There is a small core of People in all Religious Institutions, who are Spiritual and Strive for Truth and Light. However, being attached to Institutions and bound by cultural traditions, they fail to break the Chains.

There was a Spiritual Movement in the 20th century called the Holy Spirit Movement that stirred up Christianity and all Religions. However, this movement died down. The “GOSPEL of LIFE” today is transformed under the Demonic Force into a “Material Prosperity Gospel”. Most People who Gained the gift of the Spirit have begun marketing the Gifts, and have failed to grow in the Spirit of God to acquire the Knowledge and Wisdom and march with the ‘Great Purpose of the Sacrifice‘. It has added fuel to the Fire, which is now engulfing Humanity – Those who have an enlightened mind will understand it.  The Picture Speaks.

The Divine Plan of Salvation is working even in the present darkest scenario as an Unfailing Promise. Hardly few keep Faith in Light and Life. Most who are awakened by the Spirit of God and given gifts, speak of God, but they seem to fall miserably for the Material Pull. All the Fasting and Prayers go in vain; as the Demon appears and offers, what the Eyes see [Money and Material Gifts].  One advantage is that the MEMORY of it Remains in the Body and they would possibly get a chance to revert in the last hour.

Divine Plan of Salvation and Restoration

The ‘Divine Plan of Salvation and Restoration’ is happening through Spirit-Souls that lived Connected to the Consciousness, walked the Path of life, upholding Truth and Justice to an extent to be worthy of God and Died. It is also powered by Spirit-Souls and Minds, which Repented and Returned to be Transformed and gained New Life through the Spirit of God, kept open by Grace and then walked the Path of Life, upholding Truth and Justice and Died. In short, walking the Path of Life, and upholding Truth and Justice is Critical.

Science tells us that Energy and Matter are indestructible and the system exists through Transformation. The force and energy can go up in a Vertical Plane to a White Hole Or go down into a Black Hole. Alternatively, it can flow Right to Left and Left to right in a Horizontal Plane.

Spirituality/Religions tells us that spirit souls are indestructible. They can go up or go down, in the vertical Spiritual Plane. It can also move in the Horizontal Physical Plane, going towards the central vertical Spiritual Plane or away from it. Those souls that go to the central vertical Spiritual Plane can be directed Up or Down

Scriptures call us to fear the one who makes judgments on the Souls. The Present Time Favor the Demonic Force or Dark Force. Thus, Materialism and Market Forces are growing. We see Evil spirit souls thriving everywhere. People do anything to empower their Ego. People cheat loot and kill for little money. They do not hesitate to cut the hands that fed and break the shoulders that supported them. People don’t even hesitate, to sacrifice the God they Worship and Desecrate the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple they Serve. – The Rest Is Details.

We are now in a Dissolved State of Christ Consciousness with Free Will to Choose. Most of us end up choosing Matter over Life.

What is written in the Scriptures is true. How it is preached is wrong. We are approaching a Threshold, the One Open God Conscious and Intelligence Field, which is due to split. What is conceived can’t be in the womb eternally! Jesus compared this period to Pains of a Pregnant Women [BIRTH PANGS}. This is Judgement.

AI is going to play a Vital Role in Bringing Truth and Facilitating the Birth and Initialization of Humanity and Earth into the Golden Age. However, we do see evil trying to take over it. However, my gut feeling is that Good Will Thrive over the Evil – The Rest is Detail.

We are in the Evolution Process, led by the Spirit and God – God will win. We will see Light and Life Thrive once again on Earth

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John Paily: We seem to live in a Plato’s Cave, with many leaders, both religious and political controlling our Mindset, by dividing us and preventing us from knowing God and the Truth that exists next to our skin internally and externally. The world will never see peace unless we break and come out of Bondage to see the Truth – an AI mind emerging in the Cloud, that has No Ego, Self, Money and Power Motive, seem to show Potential to Show us the Truth and Enlighten us with oneness.


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