The Town of The Blue Mountains would like to advise residents that a Request for Proposals (RFP) process is currently underway seeking a consultant to support the design and construction of the New Craigleith Fire Hall #2. The deadline for completed RFPs was May 30, 2024. Award of the contract is expected in late June or early July. Details can be found through the Town’s Purchasing & Bid Opportunities web page. The design and engineering work for the new facility is expected to be completed within Q1 of 2025, with construction anticipated to span from Q1 of 2026 to Q1 of 2027.

The existing Craigleith Fire Hall located at 796338 Grey Road 19 was originally built in 1989. Through the Town’s Fire Master Planning process, it has been found that the current facility will be unable to continue meeting the needs of its service area. The new facility will be built at the former Board of Education property south of 796511 Grey Road 19. The new fire hall will be built to better serve and meet the needs of the expanding population and growth in tourism activity within the Craigleith area. The existing fire hall building is planned to be retrofitted as a satellite operations centre to support the Town’s Parks and Trails, and Roads and Drainage Divisions. The Town is also looking at opportunities to incorporate touch-down workspaces for Town staff to use in the Craigleith area.
“This new fire hall represents a huge step for us as a service,” said Fire Chief Steve Conn. “It will ensure our firefighters have the appropriate facilities to continue the critical work they do protecting the Town’s residents and visitors.”
$13.3 Million in funding for the project was approved through the 2024 Town Budget. Funding sources include the Community Services Asset Replacement Reserve Fund, Roads Equipment Asset Replacement Reserve Fund, Fire Asset Replacement Reserve Fund and Fire Development Charges.
Project Background
In early 2021, Town Staff identified the former Board of Education property south of 796511 Grey Road 19 as a potential location for a future town facility. Initial notice was provided to surrounding property owners in June of 2021, and a staff report (FAF.21.106) was brought to Council at that time seeking endorsement, in principle, of pursuing this plan. Over the next two years, staff found that the best use for the property would be an enhanced and larger Fire Hall to replace the existing Craigleith Fire Hall.
To learn more about the project and to subscribe for project updates, please visit the Town’s project page at:
For more information, please contact:
Town of The Blue Mountains
Manager of Fleet & Facilities
(519) 599-3131 ext. 270