(MIDLAND,ON) – As the recent warm spring like weather edges in, it would appear that it will soon usher out the snowmobile season here in North Simcoe. Members of the snowmobile patrol attached to the Southern Georgian Bay OPP detachment advise that anyone heading up to this area for a last run might be well served by playing it safe this weekend.
Snowmobilers planning to head out on the OFSC trail system this weekend would be well advised to check on the following website link to ensure the trail is available for use for permitted riders- Snowmobiling Ontario. Failing to do so may put you in a situation of either trespassing on closed OFSC trails and/or encountering safety hazards along those routes.
Being that we are in the middle of March, warmer days with possible heavy rain can create slushy areas and ice surfaces that may not be up to expectations for ice surface travel by foot or by machine. Always remember that, “No Ice Is Safe Ice” and to check the ice surface or inquire with local residents, ice hut operators, weather stations or any other reliable source before heading out and possibly going through into the frigid waters below. Ultimately, you may be risking your life, the lives of others possibly with you and that of emergency service responders tasked to rescue you, or worse to locate and remove you from the lake. https://twitter.com/OPP_News/status/1342817627077488641
Lastly, the sport of snowmobiling has many associated inherent risks, dangers and hazards caused by the changing terrain & environment, your machine, and the riders experience and skill level to name a few. To help reduce these risks, riders are reminded to always check the Interactive Trail Guide before heading on the trails and wear all of the required safety equipment including floater suits if travelling on frozen water surfaces. It is highly recommended to have a fully charged cell phone with you, let a family member know where your heading to and a return time, load a location app on your cell phone such as What3Words and/or the Interactive Trail Guide and remember that “No Ice Is Safe Ice” . Self rescue maybe your only way out for reasons depicted in the following link – https://twitter.com/OPP_News/status/1342817627077488641
Let’s be safe should you be out this weekend!
- Ride in control and to the trail conditions
- Obey the posted speed limit.
- Never, ever drive impaired
- No Ice is Safe Ice